-- Hey, Karl! I'm a young, african american/hispanic from New Jersey with a passion for friendship, creativity, and experience; plain and simple.
2. De la'funk is a word we would now use to describe hardwork,variation & structure,your work so far has given us this kind of reflection,could you tell us more about it ?
-- Well, most would say the name comes from the hip-hop group - De La Soul. Actually, the name is a french translation for "End The Funk". It's an expression for the ending of bullshit and the birth of something new.
3. RadiQ,Arapu,Herodot,Onirik,
-- In the last 5/6 years, the connections I've made (some mentioned above) with artists through the events in Brooklyn with my brother, Nabeel, are relationships that will stick with me always. I chose artists not only for there creative output, but for there personality and dedication to our culture.
4. The after hours with Te Iubesc (Paris) last year must have been amazing. Dawidu is quiet a character, but the day before you had an afternoon at Halcyon as well; can you tell us more about that weekend and the words you would use to describe it ?
-- Mushrooms.
5. Berlin is a city that keeps on giving,one would see it as a land of hope for any truly passionate artist looking to express themselves and excel,why did you make the big move from Brooklyn to Berlin and was it difficult ?
-- I fell in love with a girl from Paris years ago. I had a job offer here in Berlin, and my apartment in NYC fell through. So i packed all my stuff and never looked back.
This city is a bit tricky. You may say it's an artists wonderland, but if you don't build a foundation. You'll be yet another starcing artist riding the bandwagon.
6. For approximately how long have you been collecting records ?
-- I started grabbing records from my parents collection only about 10yrs. I'm late.
7. Can you remember the first record you bought and where ?
-- Theo Parrish – Feel Free To Be Who You Need To Be
8. Finally,are there any big plans on the horizon for you,any aces up your sleeve?
Easy... Live free to be who i am